Friday, July 16, 2010

Jet. Lag.

Currently I am sitting on a bed in Jerusalem with freshly shampooed hair, listening to the sound of the lunch crowd and local music floating through the fifth floor window. This is the result of many, many hours awake. I still feel like the world is spinning. I don't think its dehydration. It might be this funny thing called jet lag.

What day is it? Um, Friday. Yes. Friday. I have almost lost all sense to comprehend my surroundings. Its mid afternoon here. We landed at 5 am. Since then we went to the ancient city of Joppa and surveyed the city of Jerusalem from a vantage point. I had the most ridiculous breakfast [?]. Its a local custom we were all encouraged to try. Breakfast in Israel is spicy. In other food news, I was served hummus on the flight here. I approve.

The flight was about 9.5 hours. I thought I would maybe sleep. Or watch a bunch of movies.


There were 12 channels available, with only 6 choices as half are in Hebrew. I could not sleep of course. Maybe in short spurts, but not a significant amount. Good news, my seat neighbor was a real Jewish man. Yes. He had a big hat, and a long beard. He gave me small snippets of advice and always made sure I knew what was going on. He was reading a Hebrew copy of Job since his mother had just passed away. He explained that this book was useful for teaching in such a time. Also, he pointed out the rip in his suit jacket and explained that mourners tear their garments. We compared Hebrew and Greek and I wrote a few alphabet letters for him. As we were leaving he told me if I was ever in Caesarea to come visit his wife and kids.

Before that, we were at the airport waiting for our shuttle flight which was cancelled. We had been up since 3:30 and then were just sitting in an airport. Sidenote, I am fighting sleep as I type. We went to bed the night before about midnight because we went to a conference service that ran long. Pentecostal style.

Seriously, everything you may associate with the branding of Pentecostal occurred in that meeting. I'm still processing it. Not bad, just thought provoking. Also, there were the most flags and banners I've ever seen in my life.

God shining on his city

My first Israeli meal


  1. You made a friend without madlibs. It's a good thing you had Greek at your disposal.
    Your breakfast doesn't look very blessed. Did you forget to pray?
    I hope it was tasty!

  2. Oh man, that looks really goood! I'm hungry when you're not around. =[

    Also, Adam is staying the night on saturday. We will miss you.

    I'm glad you're getting some sleep. I would definitely not have been able to make friends with anyone in a sleep deprived state. Just another reason you're so great. =]
